Monday, December 13, 2010


just a few thoughts for my xmas scrooge season.

stop posting the damn youTube video of the "impromptu" hallelujah chorus. everyone with a pulse has been bombarded with this video. the chorus is one of my favorite songs but enough is enough.

your probably not reading this if the term "xmas" really knots your drawers. i really prefer christmas but i'm not gonna have a cow if someone uses xmas instead. you know that the letter x in ancient......oh, never mind.

if your overly religous and feel like santa claus and rudolph are of the devil....please keep this to yourself. my wife overheard a church staff member's wife walking down the preschool wing ranting about how "santa wasn't real" and "they didn't put up a tree" and so on....that's fine if you want to be a zealot but keep that shit to yourself. i"ll let my kids know about santa when i'm ready.

being the twofer* that i am i attended a christmas play this past sunday. they kinda lost me in the end when the cool looking guy in the beard came out in a white satin gown with the spot light glowing down on him. why does the guy playing jesus always have the cool beard and is unbelievably good looking and so suave? as soon as the play was over the preacher began to blast george bailey and miracle on 34th....that these "fantasies" were not what christmas was about. i understand that christmas is founded about the birth of christ. i know that george bailey is a fictional character. it's called a movie! most of the xmas movies i enjoy are about giving, putting others first, turning your life from being selfish to selfless....damn, sounds like christianity.

if the church spent more time leading people to love others rather than living a mandated code or spending their money on robes, steeples and such that guy wouldn't have to ring the bell in front of wal-mart and target.

i like getting presents. big, expensive presents. cool stuff like wide screens and ipods. i'd like a kindle this year btw. i also like giving big presents. what do you want this year?

it's not a christmas party unless you have to send apology letters for the things you said or least the stuff they tell you that you said or did.

that is it. have a merry christmas

*twofer: a person that goes to church twice a year. i go fer easter and i go fer christmas.

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