Thursday, December 30, 2010

new years resolutions

it's that time of year. i'll change this or stop that. weight or health is always a big pun intended. one of my resolutions is my health and weight. i'm not fat but i'm not in the shape i was two years ago. my goal is to get back to 175lb and start a consistent work out plan. check out my blog for tips on losing weight and feeling better. so my top ten resolution list ...

1. start lifting again consistently. i feel better when i'm exercising.

2. relax more. i am always too busy to just hang out with friends and enjoy life. my therapist
says i'm afraid to slow down.

3. eat right. 10 years ago a dr. told me i had reflux disease and would always need medicine...
when i eat correct i feel great and have no heart burn.

4. do more for others. i want to get on a consistent schedule of doing for others.

5. smoke fewer cigars. maybe less but higher quality.

6. save money. i suck at this. i'm going coupon crazy.

7. take several advance firearm classes.

8. take a trip with just schedule, kids or agenda.

9. take the time to take jacob fishing...guntersville, 2 days.

10. make an honest attempt to find a church to attend. no, i'm serious. if i can find one that
does not expect perfection, has real relationships, doesn't try to work you to death, keeps
their services under 2 hrs, spends more money on helping others than on themselves....well,
i'll try.
11. i'll add this. i'm going to try to fast. whether from food, media or anything consuming me..
i want to cleanse myself periodically.

thats it. oh yeah.a big no 12.

12. i am going to stop debating religion. it's like peeing in a crowd. it feels so good when you're
doing it but really all you do is piss on or off yourself and everyone else.

have a happy new year.

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