Thursday, December 30, 2010

lose weight

just a few quick tips. this time of year everyone has a super easy, quick plan to make you look like the stud or babe on the package cover of whatever diet or machine their promoting.

drink water. lots of water. when you have had as much water as you can stand....drink more.
always drink a big glass right before you eat. sure you'll pee more often but it feels good any way.

eat 6 times a day. small portions. 3 meals with 3 snacks in between.

whole grain carbs in the morning. protein in the afternoon. funny, God provided the Israelites manna for breakfast and quail for dinner.

raw veggies. cooking them removes the good stuff.

no white. bread, potatoes... yes, that includes ranch dressing.

colors. green, red, orange. romaine lettuce...iceberg has no nutritional value.

lift weights. muscle burns fat a lot faster than jogging or running.

set realistic goals in steps...but push yourself. a partner really helps.

be patient. the model posing with that treadmill didn't get that buff on that particular piece of equipment in 90 days. also...he/she is a model. they work out twice daily and have trainers. don't expect the unrealistic.

know your body. it take me 1 month to even begin to see any results. also, don't injure yourself...which means you ....

rest. allow your self time off for your body to recover. weight lose is a marathon, not a sprint.

reward yourself. have a cheat meal schedule. we crave what we can't have.

if you slip on your health schedule...get back on it. don't quit.

if you want a six's made in the kitchen. 2000 crunches a day will give you a ripped stomach but no one will see it if it's covered with fat.

exercise however you want to. you won't continue if you don't like it.

it take one month for every years you've neglected yourself to get back.

switch it up. your body adapts to your routine so surprise it.

cable networks have free workout routine shows.

just a few tips I've learned over the years. hope i can get back to work.

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