Friday, July 20, 2012


I'm trying my new set up of blogging from my phone. So, bear with me.

How sad is the shooting in colorado? A few observations.

Colorado has around 5 million people
Only 145,000 concealed carry permits
Aguring a ccw in colorado in more difficult than in most states

I figured the anti-gun people would and will be out in full force. I'm not sure anyone carrying a firearm would have been much help. I wonder sometimes if more people would be harmed with more bullets flying around....especially from an untrained or unpracticed individual. There were several people in my training classes that I believed ha d no business carrying a pistol and I've seen people shooting at the range that were such novices that I left for fear of safety. There are too many people that watch movies and think that's how it is in real life. From everything I've researched the adrenelin dump and loss of gross motor skills are so diminished that most people couldn't draw their weapon much less shoot anyone.

I carry. Almost always. Traveling as I do and sometimes to unsavoury places carrying makes me feel more secure but as we've seen twice now in can happen anywhere. I've only been in one situation where the thought crossed my mind that I might need my firearm. I have no fantasies of being John McClain or John Wayne and hope like hell I never get put in a situation where I might feel the need or be required to present my weapon.

I am in the middle on this one. I think we should be able to arm ourselves, especially at home but I'm not sure that having the ability to carry a firearm shouldn't require advanced training. But I guess the criminals wouldn't take the training anyway. I don't buy the "guns kill people" no more than driving a larger suv kills anyone.

I guess the "taking heads"will be blowing this up and inciting passion on both sides. That won't help the families of the victims. God be with them.

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