Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gay Chickens


Once again i find myself in the middle. I like Chick Fil A...a bunch. Not because of their stance on marriage but because they have great food. I could care less what their stance is on anything.

I grew up in a separatist environment. We were told not to shop at Kroger's because they sold beer and were open on Sunday. We couldn't visit Disneyland because of the homosexual acceptance there. We couldn't go to movies because Hollywood was evil and was destroying America. We couldn't listen to secular music, even the Grand Ole Opry.

If we don't shop or do shop at a particular place because of their stance on religious or political issues then someone needs to make a list of companies and their views. I personally don't care what the stance is of Hardee's, I like their chicken tenders also. I love Disney. Their park and movies are awesome. They are such a great part of our family entertainment and some of my favorite family memories. My family loves going to the movies. It's one of our favorite things to do. And i like country music...well, what used to be country music.

You'll drive yourself crazy trying to determine your spending habits by knowing every companies beliefs. I do appreciate Chick Fil A's stance on not being open on Sunday. Not because of religious convictions but that they are willing to give up a lot of money to do something for their employees. But, if Chick Fil A came out supporting gay marriage i'd damn sure still eat there.

One of the things that's tearing our country apart is the radical stances on both sides of the fence. It reminds me of the different denominations of Christianity and their determination to be right on everything, even to the point of forgetting what it is all about. Aren't there some core values that liberals and conservatives desire? Can't we focus on these views to make us stronger instead of separating us into two parties that want their way so bad that they are willing to tear our country down? Employment, education for our kids and their future, a safe society, etc...

I will also add that the mainstream media, on both sides only fuels the fire. Folks, it's about ratings which is about money. Hollywood doesn't have an agenda except making money. They put out movies that sells. The public likes violence, sex and evidently vampires, wizards, Gollum and guys that dress like a bat.  Yes there are some "wholesome" movies that do well but I'll bet not as well. Yes, The Passion did extremely well.  If Christians want to watch these movies, then make them. If Agnostics don't like these movies, stay home.

I think both sides are pretty ridiculous. The evangelical right is willing to eat here or support Tim Tebow because he prays on the sideline. Agnostic liberals boycott Tim Tebow and that because Christians have different morals or views. Your'e both stupid.

I'd better go. I'm heading too Chick Fil A and then to the movies to watch Batman.

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