Tuesday, December 27, 2011

in the middle of the road

i changed my blog name to the middle of the road. i seem to find myself sitting there on more and more religious, politcal and social issues and ideas. most people tend to swing to the right and become more conservative with age. i, on the other hand, find myself questioning the things i have always believed. most the views we have are passed down from our parents, our environments, our churches, etc... over the past few years i find myself not siding with the right or the left. i have allowed myself to question most everything i have been attached to. it allows me to confirm for myself the views i believe but gives me the freedom to change if i find errors in my traditions.

is our nation really a christian nation?
is saying "happy holidays" somehow rejecting Christ's birthday?
where is the church wrong and misguided?
was the war in iraq necessary?
african americans, among other groups and america's history
if i don't repost others statuses... do i hate Jesus and america?

i am surprised at how much i have changed over the past couple of years. you know what they say about being in the middle of the road....you'll get run over. however i feel comfortable with my journey of questioning, researching information and forming my own views. these are my views, not someone elses. my friend recently explained the difference between thinking and merely being informed.

this leaves me not being associated with the left or the right. stuck in the middle of the road.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tim Tebow

i haven't come to any concrete conclusions on tim tebow and his kneeling and praying during football games. but i have several views and/or observations.

Does this activity bring attention to Christ or tebow. the talk shows, newpapers, blogs, etc...aren't talking about Christ but tim tebow. whether it's right or wrong sometimes our "religiousness" receives more attention than the One we are doing it for. to me it's a fine line.

i dont doubt tim's sincerity or the fact that he is a great role model for kids. not just for his religious stand but he seems like a decent guy....which the sporting world could use a few more of. the problem with christians being role models is....we are human and will always fail at some point. when we lift anyone up other than Christ we are only setting up ourselves and unbelievers for a huge letdown or a big "i told you so". look at what happens when a pastor or evangelist falls. we, as christians, lift them up as "men of God" when really we don't know if they are or not...only God knows. to me every christian is just as fallen as anyone else and is capable of doing anything so why put them on a pedestal.

i'm not sure why christians are so appalled at the media's opinion of tebow....what did you really expect? No other name splits groups of people like the name of Jesus. Seems you either love Him or hate Him.

matthew 6 talks about praying in private...could this be to avoid drawing attention to one's self, either intentionally or not. it seems different to me when 100 players meet after the game at center field to kneel and pray and just 1 guy doing it after scoring a touchdown.

i've always wondered, and not just about tebow, why players only seem to kneel and pray or make the sign of the cross after scoring or winning. i've never seen any player do that after throwing an interception or fumbling the football. they always quote the "i can do all things" verse after accomplishing something great. i believe the verse also applies to dealing with defeat or disappointment which is a lot harder to do.

Does God really care if the broncos win or lose?....if so He hates my colts. He also strings me along all year with my yankees and pulls the rug from underneath me in the playoffs. i've heard of people praying for good parking spots at the mall. with all the evil in the world should we be praying about football and parking spaces?

i wonder if tebow was a muslim...how much different he would be. this would take chapters to write but i'm sure he would be hailed by the media as a great role model for young muslims.

i don't care what the experts say...he's a winner and i think he can adapt to become a great nfl qb. he is a helluva leader.

as in most divisions i find myself somewhere in the middle. christians will berate me for not lining up with them and tebow and the secular world will blast me for not dogging him and wanting him to fail.

i wish tim the best of luck.