Friday, May 1, 2009


we buried my step-father today. i want so badly to set down and pour my thoughts out but i am so tired. it was the week from hell. we got the call sat morning that he was going soon. after 3 days and nights of waiting for his passing, he took his last breath. i had to set back and watch as my mom sat on pins and needles going through the sheer hell of watching her husband fade away. i'm a processor. it will take me a while to put all this week's happenings into some kind of....i don't know what to put it into. a lot has happened this week. i've seen family brought together.....hell, i'm too tired to go on. i will say i had a great amount of healing this week and a better outlook for my extended family. im am going to finish my avo #2 and rest. i probably won't rest as well know what? we'll cover that later. nite

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