Monday, May 4, 2009

who'll stop the rain?

Rain, rain and more rain. It rained all day Friday. Friday was also the day that we buried my step father. He, being a twenty year retired veteran of the 101st Airborne had earned full military Rights at his funeral. This included the rifle salute, pall bearers, flag folding, etc… My mother wanted so badly that it not rain this day. I am sure she was constantly praying that it would not. I try to assure her that the rain would not affect any of the ceremony and that the cemetery would do everything possible to keep the flag dry. I was so tore up watching her struggle with grief that I even began praying that it wouldn’t rain.
I’m not necessarily a believer that God stops the world from turning for one person. The Bible leads me to believe that the Devil has control over this earth. When Christ was tempted with being given “all authority”, Satan states that this authority had been given him. Christ didn’t argue that point. 1 John tells us Satan is in control of the whole world. Recently when a series of tornadoes hit my hometown words and phrases began popping up such as, ”I guess God was watching over you” or “you are blessed that God spared you” and so on. If every action has a reaction these phrases and beliefs represent the idea that those who lost their home were not being watched over by God. Some would say to those who lost their house or possessions, “at least you still have your health” or “at least you weren’t home”. What about the ones that were hurt? What about the young man who lost his family? Was God not watching over him? I’ve heard tornadoes call “the finger of God”. Is that an appropriate name or is God to blame for these types of things? I sometimes cringe when I hear the “comforting” words, “God is in control“. Is He, or does He let the world spin on it own? Has He given authority to someone else and only step in when He decides to? I’m not questioning God’s power to intervene, just who is really controlling this world we live in. Who decides who’s blessed, spared, etc…
Friday morning when I woke I immediately grabbed my Blackberry, linked to Accuweather and checked the radar. All I saw was a green blob. Rain, rain and more rain was all that was in sight. When I arrived at the funeral home it was raining. When I stepped outside right before the services began it was raining. As they loaded the casket it was raining. As we followed the hearse and police escort to Roselawn Cemetery it was raining. I don’t know if I have ever seen an actual miracle, but I do know this. As I parked my vehicle and helped mom to the rain soaked ground, the rain suddenly stopped. It was still dark and gray, it still looked stormy, but there was no more rain. The service was unbelievable. William D. Bonner was laid to rest in a military fashion that would have made him proud. After the Rights, my mom couldn’t stay any longer. The week of pain, grief, no food and well-wishers had left her drained. Immediately after the ceremony we began to escort her to the car. A few people made it to her before I could get her tucked away in the front seat. Being in such a hurry, we had forgotten to cut any flowers from the spray for “pressing”. I hurried back up the hill, clipped a few buds and hurried back down to the car. I finally shooed everybody away and “hid” her in the car. As soon as I started the car it started to rain. As we neared the exit of the cemetery the rain got harder and by the time we arrived at the restaurant for lunch it was pouring.
Does God control everything that happens here on earth? Is He the master puppeteer? Does He intervene? I don’t know, however I do believe He intervenes….He stopped the rain.

Friday, May 1, 2009


we buried my step-father today. i want so badly to set down and pour my thoughts out but i am so tired. it was the week from hell. we got the call sat morning that he was going soon. after 3 days and nights of waiting for his passing, he took his last breath. i had to set back and watch as my mom sat on pins and needles going through the sheer hell of watching her husband fade away. i'm a processor. it will take me a while to put all this week's happenings into some kind of....i don't know what to put it into. a lot has happened this week. i've seen family brought together.....hell, i'm too tired to go on. i will say i had a great amount of healing this week and a better outlook for my extended family. im am going to finish my avo #2 and rest. i probably won't rest as well know what? we'll cover that later. nite