Saturday, June 30, 2012

Spank you very much

Moloch. I recently did a little biblical research surrounding the ritual or practice of child discipline...namely corporal punishment or spanking or whipping or whatever you want to call it. I was raised in an environment where physical punishment was not only expected but required by the church. To neglect such would lead to wild and rebellious children. It was necessary, since babies are inherently evil, that their will and spirit be broken as soon as possible.

He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. Proverbs 13:34
Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. Proverbs 22:15
The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. Proverbs 29:15

These verses from the book of Proverbs are believed to have been written by King Solomon. These verses are also used to justify or encourage spanking. Some will argue that Proverbs is the "direct" word of God while many believe it to be a compilation of Jewish wisdom and advice gathered together....sort of like a self-help book. I haven't found that God ever spoke directly to and/or through anyone in this book as He did in other books of the Bible...but, I could be wrong.

King Solomon. You'll have to do your own reading on Solomon but i will concentrate on his relationships with children, his own and others. Likely, before you take advice from someone on a given subject, you will like to know their history or see their resume. Here's two points of interest about Solomon. Assuming that Solomon adhered and practiced his wisdom of spanking or whipping his children, then we should look at the results. Rehoboam, Solomon's son, took the throne after the King's death. Start in 1 Kings, chapter 11 and read a little. Rehoboam turned out to be a rebellious, oppressive tyrant that treated his subjects so viscously that eventually they turned on him and stoned him to death. On an interesting note, Rehoboam compared his pinky finger to his father's....uh, junk, johnson, penis.  
Now to Moloch. In his later years Solomon began to worship other gods and build altars to them, one of which was Moloch. Moloch's worshipers were some of the most evil people in history. Part of their worship included heating up a iron statue of Moloch to furnace type degrees and laying a newborn baby in his heated, metal arms till it burst into flames. I try not to picture this. People often wonder why God would have the Israelites wipe out entire civilizations....there you go.
Back to Solomon. I hesitate to take my child rearing advice from a guy that was a complete failure with his own son and also practiced burning new born babes on a metal altar.

A few questions.
What are you teaching your kids by hitting them?
If a kid is rebellious does hitting them really turn them around?
Do kids need to live in fear of physical retribution?
Should a 200 lb man hit a 40 lb 6 year old?

I know there is a huge difference in swatting a bottom and whipping. Instead of physical punishment I try to communicate with my kids and so  far they haven't done the things I've done. They are  good children and love God.  As a free thinking rebel, belt whippings did nothing to me but push me away from authority and God. My free spirit and will have actually served me well in some areas, especially in business. Should a child's will and spirit be broken?  What's left but a mindless follower?  Personally, I can't wrap my mind around the practice of taking an object and hitting my kids with it.

Raise your kids anyway you see fit but stop and ask yourself this. How do you want to be disciplined by God? Lovingly or beat with a rod? Do you want Him to lead, guide and teach you lovingly or beat you when you make a mistake? Raise your kids the same way you want to be raised by your heavenly Father. I guess I'm not in the middle on this one.

Really great stuff on the "rod" in the Bible.