Tuesday, June 22, 2010

updates of a grumpy man...

i was told the other day that it seems i have been grumpy over the past few months. i'll admit that i am. i have worked 80 hr weeks so long that i almost wish i was in a union...but then i'd be laid off like all the workers in detroit so scratch that idea. i am tired. i am going to destin next week and i hope that helps but i doubt it. destin though, brings up some of the things that are rubbing me the wrong way. let's start with the oil spill. keep in mind that i'm not a democrat or republican...just a blue collar worker.

number 1

if george bush was in office we would have:

people saying he was letting the oil flow to drive up his stock options...
people crying on tv about a fish or bird and blaming bush
picketing outside his home in texas
people on tv screaming for the gov't to help them financially...

in this case i think the gov't should have stepped in. this spill will in one way or another affect us all. we have a foreign owned oil company dumping fuel in our gulf. payback for the tea we dumped? i don't blame obama. i just wish we could get a fair deal from the media. i hate katie, keith oberman but i also detest shaun hannity. our country is so divided that eventually it will bring about our downfall. all politicians are crooked as far as i'm concerned but some are crooked and retarded. i will say this for the gulf folks. the interviews i have seen have local politicians begging the federal gov't to stay out of the way and let the locals deal with it. but then what would we do with all that red tape. (we could use it for christmas but the gov't can't be involved with a celebration of the birth of Jesus. we could use it to map the way to the nearest abortion clinic though!)

numero dos

soccer. for crying out loud please quit trying to shove that s&%t down our throats. if it were that enjoyable to watch...we'd watch it. unlike the democrats i couldn't care less what the third world and eastern block thinks or what sport the rest of the world plays. in our country soccer usually ends around the 6th grade. i know, i know. there are soccer fans here and that's great but the majority of americans don't care. goooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllll

number 3

evangelicals. i am not going to go into this now except to say i am learning to hat....i mean dislike evangelicals. my only complaint is that: (1) i should be allowed to ask questions and travel my own journey wether or not it coincides with yours. (2) you're not right about everything. i know you think you are...but if you are, then why are there 22,000 different baptist denominations. i hate to break it to you but somebody has to be wrong and yes, it's probably you!

number 4

reality tv. damn, i long for the cheesy sitcom actors i grew up with. reality tv is indicitive of our society...where everybody is a star or important. just like facebook. we have to let everybody know what we're doing or what we are thinking. kind of like this blog....who really frickin cares

that's it for now....i will continue to be grumpy until i have a vacation or these items listed above are addressed.