Sunday, May 2, 2010

God in Control?

God is in control. I got stuck in traffic behind a car with a bumper sticker proclaiming this message. It makes sense. The author of life, the creator of the universe is in control. It makes us feel safe and fuzzy to rely on someone or something else having the reigns of our world.

I respectfully disagree. I started thinking about the world as we know it and God’s control over our destiny. A few thoughts:

If God is in control why do we have poverty, sickness and disease? Why is there racial hatred and genocide? Why is there war and famine? Why is there child pornography and child prostitution? Why didn’t the colts win the super bowl? There is so much evil in the world that if God is in control He must not be a very loving God to allow such harm, such evil to exist.

The Bible speaks several times about Satan’s authority. In chapter 4 of Matthew Jesus doesn’t argue with the devil about his right to give him authority over the kingdoms. Christ, in the Lord’s prayer ask God to deliver us from the evil one.

On the flip side of that coin the Bible mentions often time about Jesus authority. That it came from God and He also gave authority to the disciples over demon. It also talks about Pilate’s authority over Jesus coming directly from God.

So I find that God may be in control. But not in the sense that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. God gave control to Pharaoh so that He Himself would be glorified in leading the Jewish people out of Egypt. He gave Pilate authority to crucify His son so that Jesus would be glorified. I’m not sure if the Israelites or Jesus had warm and fuzzy feelings about the things they went through.

In the garden of Eden authority of all the earth was given to Adam and Eve who then turned this authority over to Satan. We constantly fight to do what is right. God has given us free will so in a large part we are in control. I can love my neighbor or kill my neighbor. I make that decision. I may be influenced by outside forces but ultimately it is my decision.

So it seems to me, at least for now that God has control, the devil has some control and we do as well. I know, I know...maybe all that control cam e from God but nevertheless we do have it.. We control a lot of the evil here on earth. We could stop famine. We could stop genocide. We could stop a lot of the travesties that plaque our world. Is God in control? Seems like there is a certain amount of control for everybody. Maybe that’s just me.